10617 Jones Street
Suite 201-B
Fairfax, VA 22030

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Unreasonable Searches: Police Can’t Search Anything, Everywhere, Anytime!

Police Can’t Search Everywhere, Anytime for Any Reason: Arizona v. Gant stops certain unreasonable search after Arrest. Recently a student wanted law office experience and asked if he could come… read more →

U.S. Citizenship, What is the Quickest Way to Get It Done?

People often call, asking how they can get their U.S. Citizenship.  In my law office at Geno Law Firm, P.C. There are some specifics but generally I tell them that… read more →

The 5th Amendment is Alive, so Why Did You Say That?

The 5th Amendment is Alive, so Why Did You Say That? As you know, I’m a criminal defense lawyer.  I tell clients all the time that they should not talk to… read more →

So, is it true? Will they take it to the Max?

I often take questions from the public and try to offer helpful advice.  Here’s an example from January 6, 2011. Q: A kid said I robbed him of $100 and… read more →

Dear Abby, what if I make the mistake of getting A DRUG CONVICTION? What about College?

I take questions from the public and try to provide helpful information, just like Dear Abby.  Here is one. I was Charged with first offense of possession on marijuana: I’m… read more →

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